Streaky是您完成日常目标的个人助理。这将是你在一天的开始。因为今天很重要。在一天结束时,Streaky将回顾它是如何被使用的。你完成了目标吗? Whohoo!你刚刚为你的个人连胜添加了一天。
Accomplish your daily goals much faster, easier and fun. Build your personal streak!
Streaky is your personal assistant in accomplishing your daily goals. It will ask you in the beginning of the day which goal you want to set for today. Because today matters. At the end of the day, Streaky will return to you and retrospect on how it went. Did you accomplished your goal? Whohoo! You've just added another day to your personal streak.
Try it now. It's completely free!